ItemProduct information

8 lots of lactobacillus yogurt roll

Wrapped Sasami with gum containing lactic acid bacteria and deliciously keep your stomach healthy! About 3 billion nano-type lactic acid bacteria (KH-2 strain) is included in one bottle.

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Description of item

お腹の健康を元気に保つ!特許製法ナノ型乳酸菌(KH-2株)を1本当り約30億個配合。低脂肪で良質たん白質を豊富に含む鶏ササミ使用。小型犬やシニア犬にも食べやすいやわらかタイプ。着色料不使用。農林水産省認定 鳥加熱処理工場製造。
Food application
Contents amount · Product weight
Country of origin
Kingdom of Thailand
Calories (per 100 g)
330 Kcal
6 months ~
Sasame winding
Uses · preferences
Recommended for senior dogs
Health care
Dog breed size
Ultra small dog
Small dog
Medium dog
Large dog
Very large dog

Salary amount

Salary amount: Young dog (6 months after birth)1 or less
Payroll amount: Ultra small dog ~ 5 kgWithin 2
Payroll amount: Small dog 5 kg ~ 10 kgWithin 4
Salary amount: Medium dog 10 kg ~ 20 kg6 or less
Salary amount: Large dog 20 kg - 35 kg9 or less
Payroll amount: Extra large dog 35 kg ~Within 12

raw materials


Component value
